San Fernando Wastewater Project

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    Construction of foundation for engineer site offices at the San Fernando Wastewater Site.

    The treatment scheme for waste solids from the activated sludge system involves the waste activated sludge being thickened and then aerobically digested. The digested solids will be dewatered and hauled off site. The existing anaerobic digesters will be converted to aerobic digesters. The dewatering facility will consist of a two-story building with belt filter presses located on the second floor. The lower level will be an open area for loading trucks. The facility will also include polymer storage, mixing and feed equipment. Temporary storage of the dewatered cake will be provided on-site in covered trailers. The dewatered cake will be taken off-site for either agricultural reuse or disposed of in a landfill.

  1. Installation of approximately 223km of Wastewater Collection Sewers (inclusive of approximately 18.2 km by trenchless installation and 7.8 km of forcemain) with diameter ranging from 200mm to 1500mm within the following sub catchments: Marabella, Tarouba-Cocoyea, Cocoyea South, Pleasantville Corinth, La Romain North, La Romain Central, Green Acres, La Romain South, Ste. Madeleine, Bel Air-Gulf View, Vistabella-Gulf, Duncan Village, San Fernando South, Retrench Golconda, Union Hall, Palmiste South
  2. Construction of 7 Lift Stations ranging in design flow from 7.0 L/s to 203.0 L/s four (4) sub catchments.
  3. Installation of approximately 7.8km of forcemain ranging in diameter from 150mm to 450mm over four sub catchments.
  4. Installation of 11,964 no. sewer service connections to properties, ranging in diameter from 150 mm to 250 mm.
  5. Decommissioning and demolition of 20 existing and abandoned lift stations and WWTPs.

The San Fernando Wastewater Project is an expansion, integration and upgrade of the wastewater infrastructure which will provide a cost effective and sustainable wastewater collection and treatment for the city of San Fernando and environs with the end result being an improved level of service for existing and new customers. Through a reduction in public health risk associated with untreated wastewater discharges, it is expected that there will be an improvement of water quality in the surrounding rivers leading to an overall improvement to the surrounding environment and quality of life for citizens of San Fernando. Additionally there exist a potential for the production of up to 45ML/d of reclaimed water that is suitable for irrigation and other non-portable uses in the area.


Phase I - Present Contract

The project currently being undertaken by AAA Wastewater Treatment Plant Limited is referred to as the Phase I works. The works include:

  • Construction of a new 45ML/d San Fernando Wastewater Treatment Plant for the projected population of 2035 (111,600p.e.). This new plant shall be constructed on the site of the existing wastewater treatment plant North of the Cipero River on Riverside Drive.
  • Supply and installation of 16.5km of gravity sewers with 12.5km of microtunneling/ pipe-jacking.
  • Installation of ninety six (96) property connections.
  • The decommissioning/ demolition of four (4) Wastewater Treatment Plants AND SIX (6) Lift Stations.

Construction scheduled to be completed by December 2017.